Monday, October 11, 2010

On the way to Churchill

Hello! Well, after several long flights and very little sleep, I've  arrived in Winnipeg! Because of the time of year, there is no snow on  the ground so to me ( being a Minnesotan) it feels like a nice spring  day here! Today, I got to meet all the other teen arctic ambassadors!   They are all SUCH great people! We all seemed to bond right away. We  played "get to know you games" and had tons of fun sharing our different  cultures. For example, the 2 Australians on the trip had great accents  and told us all about what they call different things vs. what we all  cal them. Such as tomatoes and tomatoes! It looks like were gonna be a  very close group by the end of the trip. We also made a sign for a  website called:, which is a website dedicated to getting  people from around the world to start and share their environmentally  friendly action plan, on the website! Our sign (that will be on the  website) let people know what we are doing and how we are helping the  planet!
Interesting Fact of the Day #1:   Polar bears often come into thetown of Churchill and have to be coaxed into a pen, until officialrelease them back into the wild! It was estimated that around 100 polar  bears came into the town of Churchill last year.
Even though today was very fun, tomorrow is the day things willstart getting really fun! We had past ambassadors come talk to us about  the things we will see and experience. I have no doubt that this trip,  will be one of the most memorable and life-changing trips in my life.  Tomorrow, we have to get up at 4:30 to catch 6 o'clock flight to  Churchill, the Polar capital of the world! And to be on the Tundra Buggy  for the first time! I can't wait!

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